Business Brokers and social media

Sometimes, it hurts to watch.

Is it fair to say that most business brokers get social media all wrong? Maybe. I love snooping around the internets to see what other brokers are doing. When it comes to social media, the posts typically looks like this:

There are a few things missing from these sort of posts: real engagement and value. They’re painfully impersonal and oftentimes they have a 90’s corporate vibe. So what can you do as a broker to be more relevant and actually engage your audience? Be real, provide value, and don’t go for the jugular with that hard-sell post after post after post….😴

There are a billion and one “experts” out there who will tell you what to post, when, and why. I’m not trying to jump on that train, but I can provide you with some tips on how to get more traction in your social media. 

  1. Be real yall! No one wants to see outdated stock images of an old dude in a suit shaking someone's hand across the conference room table. Instead snap pics of you and your clients post-closing, networking events, your weekends engaging with the local biz community, etc. 

  2. Provide value. Business brokerage is shrouded in mystery and the average person (even most business owners) don’t know ANYTHING about the process. At best, they have misconceptions. This is a great opportunity to flex your myth-busting skills and give people real insight into the industry.

  3. Speak to your audience. You know how they say you can’t be all things to all people? Well, this applies to business brokerage too. If you haven’t already done so, drill down and define your target audience. It’ll make creating content so much easier than trying to appeal to every business owner in your market. Speak directly to the ones that matter. 

Trying to be smart and relevant can be intimidating. 

It can stop you in your tracks and cause posting-paralysis. I know, I’ve been there. 

Want 12 ideas to feed the content beast?
Drop your email here and for the low low cost of free you can download some of my faves. 

Show me your posts! If you use any of the prompts, make sure to tag me at catbird_brokers on IG so I can see you in action!


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