For business owners:

Let’s get this part out of the way: I only sell one business at a time. You’ll never find stale listings with unhappy sellers lurking on these pages who wonder why their business hasn’t sold. Been there, done that. 

If you know anything about sales or brokerage, this is complete sacrilege. Please don’t report me to the sales gods. This is what works for me, and the results are vastly different from the typical sales-factory-chaos model most firms follow. 

What this means for you: you get an all-hands-on-deck approach and higher quality everything. Your phone calls get returned, your marketing materials are best in class, and you have a broker who is absolutely dedicated to you, and only you.

I like working with pet-related businesses, health/wellness/fitness, and subscription boxes. I hope you’ll like working with me too.

Interested in selling a business with CATBiRD? Drop a line here and we'll be in touch

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For Brokers:

There’s nothing like a new business broker with dollar bill signs in their eyes and the feeling they can conquer the universe. Check in with that same broker 6 months later and you’re likely to find a weepy heap on the floor. Most business brokers don’t make it through their first year. This is a hard business, and I’m here for you. CATBiRD offers a stellar course for new brokers as well as a full suite of design & marketing services for brokers. Trust me brokers, the stakes are too high to wing it.

Sign up for news, promotions, and juicy insights just for business brokers!

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