Miro Case Study


What to Expect


The best way to understand a process is to see it in action.

This video shows you the visual outcome of a recalibration intensive and what becomes possible through our session. This play-by-play breaks down the Miro board to help you understand how we got from vision to action plan.

As the video progresses, you’ll see how each step is mindful of the owners goals and uses the talents and tools already at their disposal. The solution speaks to their superpowers, accomplishes the tangible goals of staying relevant, creating community, and boosting sales. Most importantly, all of the changes discussed can be immediately put into action.

I invite you to imagine what this process will make possible for you.

Here’s the link to the Miro board in case you’d like to take a closer look: Book Store Case Study.

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Integrative Thinking


The Catbird view of real estate